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Using AI for mineral exploration
EARTH AI are helping mineral explorers identify promising areas. They do this by analysing data from multiple sources and using a machine learning algorithm to identify areas where minerals are likely to be found. 47 layers of remote sensing and geophysical data are analysed at once by machine learning - they can highlight ore bodies and alteration haloes as well as map out hard rocks and regolith with extreme detail.
5 September 2017 by IdeaSpies


3 September 2017 by mybrainwave



An AI computer for your home
Duo is a computer with a reflective display. It becomes noticeable only when you need it. It?s voice-activated and fully touch enabled. It has a large 27" full 1080p display with 5-point multi-touch across the whole screen. You can control any app with your voice by talking to Albert, the AI assistant that lives inside Duo. You can personalize Albert from its name, gender, accent, and even sarcasm level.
2 September 2017 by oliver



Your face as a boarding pass
Airlines have started testing facial recognition technology and selling it as a speedier way to check in baggage, get through security, and board the plane.
2 September 2017 by sandy



Paying with your face
Facial recognition has existed for decades, but only now is it accurate enough to be used in secure financial transactions. The new versions use deep learning, an artificial-intelligence technique that is especially effective for image recognition because it makes a computer zero in on the facial features that will most reliably identify a person. Technology from Face++ is already being used in several popular apps. It is possible to transfer money through Alipay, a mobile payment app used by more than 120 million people in China, using only your face as credentials. Meanwhile, Didi, China?s dominant ride-hailing company, uses the Face++ software to let passengers confirm that the person behind the wheel is a legitimate driver. https://www.technologyreview.c
2 September 2017 by mike



A wearable that helps you with EQ
The tone of a conversation can drastically affect its emotional intent - conveying sadness, aggression or happiness through nuanced changes in pitch and intonation. While many of us may pick these up naturally throughout life, some people find this particularly difficult. An AI with the ability to navigate through nuanced social cues could lead to an improvement in the quality of life for these people. This can already be done with a Samsung Simband, a wearable device which collects and displays this information.
2 September 2017 by lynnwood