This is a very simple solution based on vibration therapy. As per sketch there are two vibrational motor (cellphone vibrational motors) and these will run with batteries. These motors will create vibrations. Now what is needed is to just transfer these vibrations onto the tongue .
When someone desires to take nicotine in any form (cigarette, tobacco) then just put this device on the tongue for 3 to 5 seconds and the result will be that the desire of taking of nicotine is no more. Just use the device for 25 to 30 days continuously and the desire of taking tobacco will be ended permanently.
The part of the device which is going to transfer the vibrations onto the tongue will be made with COPPER. The reason the device works is that it stimulates the neurones in the brain through tongue vibrations to suppress the desire of taking nicotine. I am presenting this solution as I have been able to quit tobacco addiction myself after using this vibrational system. It is very simple to manufacture it.