Right now, whistle blowers from within hospitals and services are forbidden from recommending independent patient advocates and are crucified if they are caught doing it. 80% of my clients call from a hospital bed and frequently they are advised to by hospital staff on the promise of anonymity. Last week it was a radiographer. If this chap had not had such a caring health professional looking out for him, he’d have been in even worse trouble.
Ryans Rule has been known for about 10 years as REACH in other States. It is not independent. About 80% of my clients call me from a hospital bed and a good number have tried REACH. It’s worth a try but it can mean just being frustrated further up the chain of command and losing.
I’m all for advocates supporting patients. Personally, I think they have to be independent and that means funded somehow for most people.
It is good to read that Ryan's Rule exists in the form of REACH in other Australian States although I'm not sure that it exists in the Australian Capital Territory. I wonder if there is any data about take-up rates and patient outcomes. Recent child deaths reported in the media point to a need for improvement. My own experience is that patients, families and carers are often ignorant of such options such as REACH and basic documents such as the Charter of Health Care Rights. Sadly, when they do find out, it can be too late.