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Washing fruit is a great way to clean your fruit. But you never really know if you have cleaned all the bacteria off. That’s why this sterilizer is great. It will put your mind at ease.

It uses electrolysis to eliminate harmful bacteria in everything from fruits, veggies, kitchen appliances as well as baby bottles and chew toys — all without chemical detergents. The product is designed by Sang Keun Sim & Kyowon L&C Design Team.


What do you think?

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IdeaSpies @ 2020.05.03 2:26 PM
What is the name of the steriliser?

Felix @ 2020.05.05 2:17 PM

"It uses electrolysis"

The device applies an electric current to decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen gas. From what I know this gassy water does not disinfect anything.

However if you mix tap water and salt (sodium chloride) and use this device, it produces a combination of hypochlorous acid and sodium hydroxide. I would not eat anything soaked in that solution.

In conclusion, the device is neat but is either not useful or surprisingly harmful in its application.

IdeaSpies @ 2020.05.09 6:07 AM

Thanks for checking Felix. I use a plastic bowl that spins to clean salad parts. This new way looks interesting (see link below).

I saw research that says not to buy salads in plastic bags. it's more convenient but filled with bacteria. Surprisingly the bags say the salads are pre-washed. However, based on the research, you need to wash them more than if they were not in plastic bags!

Alan Finger @ 2020.05.12 7:29 AM
We use apple cider vinegar with baking soda mixed with lemon essential oils. A natural way of cleaning them

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