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Genetic coding to become as important as digital coding?


"The success of the Pfizer vaccine means that the plague year of 2020 will be remembered as the time when traditional vaccines began to be supplanted by genetic vaccines.

Instead of delivering tiny and safe doses of the virus itself, these new vaccines deliver a piece of genetic coding that will instruct human cells to produce, on their own, components of a targeted virus. These safe components can then stimulate the patient's immune system.

It is another wondrous miracle from a biotech revolution in which knowledge of genetic coding will become as important as digital coding and molecules will become the new microchips.

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IdeaSpies @ 2020.11.11 3:07 AM
Hoping that a vaccine like this will allow us to travel internationally again.

IdeaSpies @ 2020.11.11 3:07 AM

Lovely story about the Scientists behind the discovery

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