IdeaSpies presented today to top marketing students at a UNSW Business School Master of Marketing class led by Professor John Roberts. It was a great way to get feedback on objectives, target market and positioning. Based on their advice I've already changed the IdeaSpies tagline to "A hub for inspiration". Watch this space for further improvements!
Australian and New Zealand Paired Kidney Exchange Is going gang busters at increasing the number of kidneys donated / transplant patients into people that need them. Last year was a record year with 1/5 of all living kidney donors came from this program. The program allows friends and family who want to donate a kidney to a loved one but aren't a good medical match, to be paired with others in the same situation. The exchange also accepts donations from altruistic donors.Here is a program doing real good for those with kidney disease requiring a transplant.
"Great ideas, research and innovation can come from anyone – so often the best ideas do not have a voice. IdeaSpies provides a platform for people to share ideas that create a better world"