Loom solves the problem that many founders are willing to give away parts of their business, but don?t know freelancers who might be prepared to do work. Plus, the platform helps people who don?t have money to offer.?Up to 15,000 freelancers (mostly developers) are listed on the platform and about 1,000 founders have posted projects so far.
Edenworks operates aquaponic ecosystems that grow leafy greens and fish using 95% less water than conventional farms, no pesticides, and no GMOs. Located in Brooklyn, their fresh food is on the shelf within 24 hours of harvest. They offer a new model for farming: indoor ecosystems that grow delicious and healthy food while taking pressure off nature. www.edenworks.com
The Smart Sparrow adaptive learning model is similar to having a private tutor.. A private tutor can adapt to you. When you go to a private tutor, you are not getting a lecture, you are not reading a book. You are typically doing problems and getting feedback while you do the problem. The learning experience is more interactive and more adaptive. Technology can now make it possible for every student in the world to benefit from this type of learning. Everyone can have their own private tutor.
Italian artist Giuseppe Colarusso has the weird and wonderful gift of being able to take an everyday object and render it completely useless, so it makes you smile. http://www.giuseppecolarusso.it/improbabilita_.html
Attach Orbit to your keys and it makes them ring using an app on your phone when in Bluetooth range. Their last known GPS location will be shown on a map. By pressing a button on your Orbit you can also make your phone ring if you lose it, even on silent. You can even use Orbit as a selfie remote.