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Can people-pleasing be inherited?
Neither my mother nor my father would ever say a bad word about anyone. If they had nothing nice to say, they said nothing at all.
5 May 2021 by Nina McPherso...



Minimizing Supply Chain Disruption with Diversification
Supply chain resiliency is only as strong as, well, its weakest link. Pun completely intended.Nevertheless, there are mitigating components worth implementing across your entire supply chain model. You need to have this conversation with your logistics team.Read more here:
4 May 2021 by Nina McPherso...



How Will Drones Impact The Supply Chain In 2021
How drones will impact the supply chain for businesses is a common question in the techno-business world. As technology is getting smarter and broader in its application, methods of doing business are also changing. There was a time when the supply chain was done mostly done manually, which was not only time consuming, also the margin of error was greater.But, with the invention of drones, the supply chain is also adopting this technology. Companies want to save time to reduce the cost of production hence increase the revenue.Read more here:
2 May 2021 by Nina McPherso...



Posture 101: How to Improve Posture
Posture is simply the position of your spine and limbs when standing or sitting. It is also aptly defined as ‘approach
2 May 2021 by Nina McPherso...



Ways To Enrich Your Career
We all want to do well in life. For many, a career is much more than just a way to make some extra income for their fami
30 April 2021 by Nina McPherso...



Critical Thinking: The Buzzword You Should Care About
Philosopher John Dewey defined it as “active, persistent and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge i
17 April 2021 by Nina McPherso...