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Australia to consider change to food irradiation rules
An application has been made to amend food irradiation rules in Australia.The proposal seeks to increase the maximum permitted energy level of machines generating X-rays for irradiating food from 5 to 7.5 megaelectronvolts (MeV) as long as the X-ray target is made of tantalum or gold.The assessment will not start until October 2023 with a comment period planned for early 2024, according to Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). See
21 January 2023 by Michael Sharp...



Fission Surface Power and Nuclear Propulsion in Space
In terms of propulsion, NASA’s efforts have aimed to advance proposals for nuclear-thermal and nuclear-electric propulsion systems. In the former case, a nuclear reactor is used to heat propellants like liquid hydrogen (LH2); in the latter, the reactor generates electricity for a magnetic engine that ionizes an inert gas like xenon (a.k.a. Ion Propulsion).See
21 January 2023 by Michael Sharp...



Nuclear Powered Helicopter
NASA’s Mars Helicopter Opens the Door for Flight on Other Worlds. From a nuclear-powered copter on Saturn’s moon Titan to blimps on Venus, space engineers are planning innovative flying machines to explore faraway landscapes. See
21 January 2023 by Michael Sharp...



Nuclear for Resources on the Moon
A new way to Peer Into the Permanently Shadowed Craters on the Moon, Searching for Deposits of Water ice. Designed by the Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC), this flashlight doesn’t emit visible light, but it does emit x-rays and gamma rays, and the researchers on the project think it could be useful for finding resources on the Moon. See
21 January 2023 by Michael Sharp...



Go Nuclear for Jupiter
In the coming years, NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) will send two robotic missions to explore Jupiter’s icy moon Europa. One of the many challenges for these missions is how to mine through the thick icy crusts and obtain samples from the interior ocean for analysis. A possible solution is to use a special reactor that relies on fission and fusion reactions.See
21 January 2023 by Michael Sharp...



Earth to Neptune in One Year
Similar to solar sail concepts that have been around for years, this pellet-beam propulsion system could transport spacecraft weighing one ton to the orbit of Neptune in just one year—it took Voyager 2 twice as long just to get to Jupiter.See
21 January 2023 by Michael Sharp...