Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Sort by: Madeline Cunningham



Join the IdeaSpies Collective
Does your organisation offer products or services that do good? Do you like to support positive ideas and innovations and help startups grow and succeed? Join the IdeaSpies Collective to share your ideas, events and jobs to support the grassroots of innovation with a growing audience, here: recognition of your support:*Your logo with link featured on the IdeaSpies About Page for 12 months*Promotion in IdeaSpies Weekly and social media (one-off)*Invitation to events*Promotion of your events and jobs in IdeaSpies LinkedIn groupTo learn more:Maddie Cunningham, Advisor, IdeaSpiesmadeline.cunningham@ideaspies.com0448877481
24 November 2021 by Madeline Cunn...



HBD Open Banking
Open Banking was implemented one year ago. What's happened since? Has the landscape significantly changed? Are we lookin
5 August 2021 by Madeline Cunn...



Let's Change the World Together
The Social Good Summit Australia is running a one day event to inspire and discuss solutions to the greatest challenges of our times by raising awareness and exploring the possibilities of the UN Sustainable Goals for the promise of creating a better world by 2030.This event is generously run solely by volunteers.Register to attend on Saturday 18 September:
26 July 2021 by Madeline Cunn...



Untrashing the Planet with Sunnies
Get your hands on a pair of recycled sunnies - beautifully & sustainably designed, fun and customisable made in Sydney, Australia.Every aspect of the untrashing is part of  the brand from design, manufacturing, packaging to shipping, ocean cleanups & energy consumption. Good Citizens has teamed up with C2Zero in a clever partnership to make their sunnies carbon neutral. Help raise awareness of the single-use plastic issue - any attention is good intention!
26 July 2021 by Madeline Cunn...



Vibrancy of DeFi Leading Blockchain Investment
A new system for trading derivatives Tracer DAO has raised $US4.5 million from leading investors in the booming area of DeFi (decentralised finance) and its local developer Brisbane-based Mycelium is creating jobs in Australia.With the rapid growth of DeFi products, like FinTech, employment is expected to increase in Australia over the coming years.
30 June 2021 by Madeline Cunn...



Accelerating R&D in NSW
To accelerate ideas, it is vital to build a dynamic R&D ecosystem for driving innovation, future economic growth and sustainable jobs.The NSW Government is responding to these challenges.The Action Plan for Accelerating R&D has been established for NSW to become a national leader and global contributor in the translation and commercialisation of research.The Advisory Council recommended five Priority Actions:1) Launch a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program2) Boost open data3) Turbocharge precincts4) Target strategic support for NSW universities5) Establish a funded online R&D matchmaking platformIdeaSpies is an open innovation platform for clever ideas, new discoveries and original thinkers.  A place where people, industries and governments can inspire action.We are excited to bring new opportunities, collaborate and connect with education & universities and business and industry working together on R&D.
16 April 2021 by Madeline Cunn...