16 April 2021 by Madeline Cunningham
To accelerate ideas, it is vital to build a dynamic R&D ecosystem for driving innovation, future economic growth and sustainable jobs.
The NSW Government is responding to these challenges.
The Action Plan for Accelerating R&D has been established for NSW to become a national leader and global contributor in the translation and commercialisation of research.
The Advisory Council recommended five Priority Actions:
1) Launch a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program
2) Boost open data
3) Turbocharge precincts
4) Target strategic support for NSW universities
5) Establish a funded online R&D matchmaking platform
IdeaSpies is an open innovation platform for clever ideas, new discoveries and original thinkers. A place where people, industries and governments can inspire action.
We are excited to bring new opportunities, collaborate and connect with education & universities and business and industry working together on R&D.
Learn more about our NSW pilot program UpRising with NSW Education and ITE offering 50 NSW HSC Design & Technology students the chance to connect with industry, business & community, to accelerate their ideas, test prototypes & promote their final designs.
Photo: Turning Ideas into Jobs: Fireside Chat Sydney Startup Hub 15 April 2021 I Our Innovation Fund Founder David Shein, IdeaSpies Advisory Board Member Madeline Cunningham, Parliamentary Secretary to the NSW Premier Gabrielle Upton MP