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'Night-time solar' using infrared light
The contrast between day and night, hot and cold, light and dark - all provide potential opportunities to create energy. Researche
4 July 2022 by Kylie Hargrea...



Solar energy by day, thermo-electric energy by night
Solar energy is great while the sun is shining.  But not so useful once night falls. Most people think batteries are the answer, but Stanford University researchers have been working on another option.  TEG's (Thermo-electric generator) are energy conversion devices. Basically, by using the temperature differential between one side of the panel and the air, more electricity can be generated ( both during the day and at night). Even better TEG's are reliable, safe, affordable and available right now.
4 July 2022 by Kylie Hargrea...



Self-Charging Micro Batteries
By utilising the humidity from the air or the sweat from your skin could you power your wearables without ever plugging in?Researchers at University of New South Wales say - "yes, you can...soon".
27 June 2022 by Kylie Hargrea...



Limitless Clean Ocean Energy
Energy associated with ocean currents can be captured, just like wind currents can with wind turbines. Ocean turbines can be fixed to the seabed, or float nearer the surface with moorings attached to the seafloor. No one technology has yet emerged as a clear winner, but this Japanese turbine, which has been in development and testing for many years is clearly still in the race. After successful recent trials, the company is set to scale up to a  2 megawatt unit.
12 June 2022 by Kylie Hargrea...



Food Waste Recognition AI - Avocados, Bananas,Cherries...oh my!
Hotels expect to throw away food, budgeting 3 - 5% of their purchasing costs to waste. But a company in Singapore found waste levels closer to 25%, with much of that before food even makes it to a customers plate. By using AI to track food waste, Lumitics, can help chefs better predict food needs, provide real-time feedback on menu changes, spot if trimmings are effective (meat, avocados and more), all so purchasing patterns can be more accurate. Saving money and saving tonnes of food waste from going to landfill and adding to GHG emissions.
12 June 2022 by Kylie Hargrea...



Heat to Electricity - is this the end of the steam turbine?
Steam turbines have to date been the most traditional way to covert heat into electricity. Steam turbines are able to convert between 35-60% of the heat into electricity. However, scientists have kept investigating alternative ways to turn heat into electricity. Thermophotovoltaic cells (TPV) were initially promising, but only ever achieved efficiency rates of 20-32%. By increasing both the temperature of the heat emitter & the absorption properties of the TVC (visible, ultraviolet & infrared) engineers at MIT have achieved efficiency rates of 40%, with a clear idea of how to reach 50%. 
29 May 2022 by Kylie Hargrea...