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The Humble Brilliance of Italy's Moka Coffee Pot
The Moka Pot - remains a cool, inexpensive, highly functional example of mid-century modern design. In the same way that the single-cup pour-over cone was rediscovered and prized, sparking a whole new round of sales, maybe the moka pot is due for some revitalization and new trendiness. It seems impossible, or at least undesirable, for such a cool gadget to die
11 March 2021 by Jeremy Wright



Tiny Echidna helping tackle climate change
Many animals improve soil health through extensive digging. These “ecosystem engineers” benefit not only soils, but plants and other organisms.In Australia, most of our digging animals are either extinct or threatened. But not so the Echidna, which is still relatively common across large areas of the continent. Echidnas dig pits, furrows and depressions in the soil while foraging for ants. So, by improving Echidna habitat, we can significantly improve soil health and boost climate action efforts. Dig this: a tiny echidna moves 8 trailer-loads of soil a year, helping tackle climate change (
7 March 2021 by Jeremy Wright



Against the odds, South Australia is a renewable energy powerhouse
South Australia - 20 years ago relied totally on fossil fuel generated energy. Now in 2021 it has 60% renewables. "South Australia shows how good public policy can enable dramatic emissions reduction, even in a privately owned electricity system". It is a model that the rest of Australia and the world can learn from. "As the transition progressed, the state’s largest coal generator, at Port Augusta, was wound back and eventually closed. To help workers and the town adjust, the state government supported employment alternatives".
26 February 2021 by Jeremy Wright



Hyundai IONIQ 5 to shake up the Australian EV car market
Hyundai has announced the imminent arrival of its new Electric Vehicle (EV) range in Australia for late this year. It will spell an overdue shake-up for the EV market in Australia, despite the Federal Government's lack of enthusiasm or infrastructure planning. Hyundai's Ioniq 5 is a new tech-laden SUV that will squarely challenge the Tesla, with a price range around $70k- $90k drive away. Previously an individual model, Ioniq is now Hyundai’s EV sub-brand that will spawn a family of vehicles built on a whole new architecture specific to electric vehicles.
24 February 2021 by Jeremy Wright



The Intelligence of Bees
The honey bee’s waggle dance is a wildly intelligent attribute; it enables a bee to very efficiently convey detailed information to a large group.  No other animal besides humans uses such a technique. Even other primates don’t use symbols. These behaviors are far above and beyond what most people would assume an insect is capable of. Without exaggerating, the honey bee is capable of advanced symbolic communication, language, facial recognition, number use, observation and mimicry, understanding of rules, and high-level problem-solving. They are, in some senses, significantly smarter than many mammals. Amazing.
13 February 2021 by Jeremy Wright



Climate Policies - beyond Politics?
3rd Climate & Peace Webinar - Feb 16 - addressing the new (Green Deal) Climate policies from US matching EU, Japan, Korea & China. Asking the question: when will Australia catch up?Speakers include Prof Michael E Mann from Penn State University (shared Nobel Prize with IPCC Authors), Prof Maxine Burkett, a world expert on Environmental Law & Climate Justice and Marian Wilkinson, award-winning Australian Journalist & author of the Carbon Club.Broadcast live at breakfast-time AEDT from 7.30am Register via
10 February 2021 by Jeremy Wright