Israel is one of the most technologically advanced nations and has much to offer on the quantum computing front. Earlier this year it was announced that Israel is to invest about $60 Million in order to build its first Supercomputer. This project is a part of Israel’s $380 Million national initiative to develop quantum expertise. In order to facilitate this, the Government of Israel has formed the Israel National Quantum Initiative (INQI) - a joint venture between the Council for Higher Education, the Israel Innovation Authority, the Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Finance.
The following article was written by my colleague Rochelle Ives. The ‘startup nation’ has recovered much more
rapidly than Australia, largely due to an immensely effective nationwide
vaccination rollout campaign championed as being the most vaccinated
population in the world. ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ and Israel has
proven again to be her innovative child.
In this time of crisis, the Israeli Innovation Authority,
which serves as the country’s leading government entity that supports research
& development through technology and innovation was quick to create and
offer new programs and schemes for entrepreneurs.To read the full article:
Industry 4.0, a term that describes the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, promises to enhance the stability and performance of industrial operations. Using technologies such as IoT, imaging, and sensors, businesses will be able to capture and process data from industrial assets, generating previously unavailable insights on how the machines are utilized. Israel, as an innovative ecosystem with strong ties and deep understanding of technological gaps in this space, has become a major IIoT player. In fact, Israel ranks third in industry 4.0 venture investments and second in early-stage investments according to Israel21c. Review Israeli Companies:
A National Drone Network (NDN) - for commercial delivery, medical transport, and urban air mobility. That is what the Israel Innovation Authority, the Israel Ministry of Transport (through Ayalon Highways Co.), The Civil Aviation Authority of Israel (CAAI) and The Smart Mobility Initiative at The Israel Prime Minister’s Office are delighted to present as a first-of-its-kind pilot: The State of Israel has achieved significant progress over the last year in shaping the future of mobility; introducing a national drone network that will primarily enable cargo transportation in urban areas through smart and innovative airspace management will accelerate this trajectory. 
COVID-19 has created a tremendous challenge for the medical industry, and innovation is the key factor in meeting those challenges. The Israeli medical landscape represents a broad spectrum of companies that offer diverse medical products and technologies, making Israel an important global medical innovation hub. The much-anticipated MEDinISRAEL 2021 will host key decision-makers & C-level executives who generate thousands of business interactions with the global healthcare community, notable experts, leading hospitals, distributors, investors and corporate members. Beyond the immense networking opportunities, the event will include an interesting innovation award and a variety of panels with world-class speakers... Sign up!
Why is cyber important? To
understand this, one must understand who uses cyber and for what purpose. Israel champions cyber. Many believe the cyber and high-tech
industry grew through the Israeli Military Unit 8200 – the force responsible
for collecting signal intelligence and code decryption. Graduates of this unit
are equipped with cyber expertise and go out into the world to bring military
technology for civilian use. The world of Cyber options for
your enterprise to adopt is magnanimous, primarily because the world of cyber
criminals is ostentatious. So, what is out there? Read on for Israeli Cyber Companies