We are experiencing a double tipping point on both age and wealth dimensions. The world is getting steadily older—mature, settled adults over the age of 30 are now half the population and growing & the world is getting steadily richer—about half the world is now middle class or richer. Combining income trends across demographic segments =approximately 2.2 billion young and poor, the same number of old and rich people, & 1.6 billion young and rich and the same number of old and poor.Something to look forward to?https://singularityhub.com/2020/03/01/for-the-first-time-ever-the-world-is-mostly-middle-class-and-largely-old/
Australians tend to think of density as living in high-rise tiny apartments. Drop the “d-word” at your local pub and see how the term “shoebox” or “vertical slum” quickly follows.The irony is that the very thing that makes a getaway to central Paris or Barcelona so attractive is what many Australian city residents revile at home. The places we visit and admire are really quite dense.Here's what we can do to change this in Australia.https://theconversation.com/no-need-to-give-up-on-crowded-cities-we-can-make-density-so-much-better-131304