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Sight-Restoring Brain Implant Proves Promising
Nederlands Herseninstitut (NIN), researchers from a team led by Pieter Roelfsema are now using new implant production and implantation technologies, cutting-edge materials engineering, microchip fabrication, and microelectronics, to develop devices that are more stable and durable than previous implants. The first results are very promising.This research lays the foundations for a neuroprosthetic device that could allow profoundly blind people to regain functional vision and to recognize objects, navigate in unfamiliar surroundings, and interact more easily in social settings, significantly improving their independence and quality of life.
9 December 2020 by Jenny Morawsk...



Do Our Genes Restrict Free Will?
Research has shown genes may predispose not only our height, eye colour, or weight, but also our vulnerability to mental ill-health, longevity, intelligence, and impulsivity. Such traits are, to varying degrees, written into our genes—sometimes thousands of genes working in concert.Perhaps, we could think of ourselves as not being restricted by our genes. Acknowledging the biology that influences our individuality may then empower us to better pool our strengths and harness our collective cognitive capacity to shape the world for the better.
30 November 2020 by Jenny Morawsk...



Help Save Coral Reefs
Our coral reefs are dying at an incomparable pace. And with them 25% of all animal species in the sea. These scientists are r
24 November 2020 by Jenny Morawsk...



Human ageing biologically reversed
The ageing process has been biologically reversed for the first time by giving humans oxygen therapy in a pressurised chamber.Scie
23 November 2020 by Jenny Morawsk...



Autonomous Robot Cars Deliver Medicine
A fleet of autonomous green medicine-delivering cars has begun trials on public roads in the borough of Hounslow in Lond
17 November 2020 by Jenny Morawsk...



CRISPER Restores Vision in Mice
A breakthrough study, led by researchers from the University of California, Irvine, results in the restoration of retinal and visu
9 November 2020 by Jenny Morawsk...