This florist is full of artificial flowers that look real. I first saw high quality artificial flowers at Monet's Garden outside Paris and bought some roses. On a later trip I saw a wonderful shop full of artificial flowers in Kiev and bought some more roses and orchids as well. A friend who lives in Bowral recently told me that she bought even better quality artificial flowers from this florist near her.
The Italian shoe brand Vibram recently came up with Furoshiki shoes, the perfect solution to the fact that most store-bought shoes don't fit properly. The shoe fabric cleverly wraps around your feet.
This clever idea combines art and a useful clock. It comes from the Morgan Library gift ship. I selected it from their catalog and was going to put it in my cottage but liked it so much it's in my bathroom in New York. Thank you for the useful and decorative gift, Enid Klass.
This clever idea started as a small business in London and should quickly spread around the world. It offers a wonderful cocktail selection that will make guests at your special event very happy! It's called the Cocktail Car Company.