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Good news in treating the Coronavirus
These are 3 good news stories- more in the link below.(1) Vaccine development: An experimental vaccine developed by Moderna I
19 March 2020 by IdeaSpies



Positive response by Qantas to the Coronavirus
Qantas passengers booked onto all domestic and international flights departing until May 31 2020 now have the option of cancelli
18 March 2020 by IdeaSpies



Social distancing to beat the Coronavirus - a case example
In 1918 Philadelphia US threw a parade to support the war effort that drew 200,000 people who crammed together to watch the proces
15 March 2020 by IdeaSpies



Is it safe to fly?
Qantas says yes. Medical experts have confirmed that Coronavirus IS NOT an airborne virus, so it can't be spread through
14 March 2020 by IdeaSpies


12 March 2020 by IdeaSpies



CSIRO discovery cancels methane emissions from cattle
In a breakthrough in the war on climate change, CSIRO is on the cusp of commercialising a seaweed product, which when sprinkled into feed, makes cattle grow faster and cuts their greenhouse gas emissions to near zero.The super seaweed carries with it the potential to make the under-fire livestock industry carbon-neutral well before 2050, while also helping to feed a growing global population using less resources.CSIRO is weeks away from releasing a prospectus as it seeks big investors in an internationally significant discovery that cancels out methane emissions from cattle, and, as a bonus, has the waste in digestion – normally associated with burps and farts – converted into faster growth
9 March 2020 by IdeaSpies