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Fast and Efficient Establishment Of Commonwealth Run Covid-19 Quarantine Facilities
 Political blame-shifting looks to be crowding out common sense in our management of Covid-19.Rather than seeking to build bespoke Commonwealth owned quarantine facilities – with long construction lags and inefficient resource allocation – we should consider the Commonwealth taking over (by lease or purchase) hotels & apartment hotels across the country and managing these using defence personnel. These facilities should have the air management and conditioning systems upgraded to minimise airborne virus spread and structures that allow sound isolation practices. This should give us first-rate quarantine practices across the nation and cut some of the state/commonwealth blame game.
30 June 2021 by Glenn Barnes



Use Vaccine Passports to Drive Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake
Individual health and the 'common interest' will be well served by maximising the Covid-19 vaccination rate in the Australian population. Besides an effective community-wide education program, vaccine passports should be introduced as an incentive to get fully vaccinated. These passports should be used to qualify for immediate and continuous quarantine free interstate travel – and when appropriate, international travel.
30 June 2021 by Glenn Barnes



YES AUSTRALIA - We can do it!
Let's put this to a Citizens Jury and push the political class into action:"Big business is firing up voter expectations of a $10,000 income boost through a bold action plan to break political gridlock and create a bigger, more diverse and competitive economy.In a six-tiered policy blueprint released on Wednesday, the Business Council of Australia calls for a modern tax regime, export diversification, open borders, educational excellence, reduced social disadvantage, a robust federation and a clear path to net zero emissions by 2050."Tom Dusevic, The Australian, 30/6/21
30 June 2021 by Glenn Barnes



Respect for our First Nations Peoples as we seek to embrace their history
Public debate over evidence regarding the complexity of the social and subsistence practices of our First Nations Peoples in the book Dark Emu is most disturbing – and disrespectful. The rush to create a new narrative and teachings on the lifestyle of our First Nations Peoples is getting ahead of well-researched and tested premises. Given there are hundreds of individual ‘nations’ who evolved from our county’s first inhabitants, it is reasonable to postulate that there were many and varied social and subsistence practices over time and space, as was the case in other cultural groups across the world.
25 June 2021 by Glenn Barnes



Governments can avoid waste and community distrust by following an evidence-based policy process
“Victoria in the dark on solar The Victorian Auditor-General has found the state government’s signature billiondollar solar rebate scheme has yet to produce evidence it benefited consumers or reduced carbon emissions. In a scathing report, Andrew Greaves said the program was launched without a business case and insufficient consultation with industry and without considering whether there was any need for government intervention in the solar market. He said the launch of the $1.3bn 10-year Solar Homes program failed to grasp and mitigate the obvious risks of excess demand, market reliance and grid capacity.” REMY VARGA - The Australian 25/6/21
25 June 2021 by Glenn Barnes



Listen, evidence-based formulation, communicate, implement with excellence, reflect
Prof Thomas Picketty's work on voter alignment demonstrates the continued fragmentation and movement of voter support between Australian political parties. (Report by Troy Bramston, The Australian 19/6/21)   This unravelling of the bases of the 2 main parties, Labor and LNP, was all too predictable as they have both become so inward focused and have lost touch with their primary role in implementing ‘common good’ outcomes that the broad community can support.   A great opportunity exists for the party who re-connects across the electorate through broad-scale active listening, evidence-based policy formulation and communication, and then action,  focused on faultless implementation.
19 June 2021 by Glenn Barnes