Created in 2017 from wool, embroidery cotton, linen, calico, hemp string, metallic thread, fabric paint, polyester stuffing, woollen batting and steel armature, attached to a 240-volt motor. Since the 1960s a diverse body of art has been informed by feminism although there has always been difficulty with the value of embroidery, a craft that has been used for centuries to inculcate feminine qualities; essentially, embroidery was used to keep women quiet. Girls in domestic servitude or school created out of necessity. The idle rich encouraged their daughters to embroider for amusement and to signify a leisured lifestyle.
An accessible timely and fascinating account of the revolution going on in the world of finance - and how accountants really can save the planet. Climate change is here and capitalism is implicated: it's programmed to privilege profit and growth over human communities and the living earth. Six Capitals charts the rise of four movements designed to overthrow capitalism as we know it: multi-capital accounting, for society, nature and profit; the push for a new corporation legally bound to benefit nature and society while making a profit.