Athena is a device designed to protect women. When you press the button an SMS is sent to key contacts, with or without an alarm being activated, so it's helpful if you're home alone or in a stress situation outside. It's expected to be available later this year.
Wisewear offers stylish smart jewellery you can use to track your activity, notify you of important calls and send distress messages to selected contacts when needed.
Blablacar allows you to share car journeys between cities internationally with people you choose. You just enter your departure and arrival points with your travel date and choose a car going your way based on information about the car owner, their reasons for travelling and other journey details.
Oliver Cabell are offering designer bags online at less than 1/5 of the designer price. They say people aren't as interested in status symbols as they once were and they focus on minimalistic and functional design, with the best quality materials and craftsmanship. They also offer transparency. On their website they say where their bags are made and show a breakdown of costs.