Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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World's cheapest Eco-friendly AC
To aid his ailing wife a 58 year old Trichy mechanic built an  Eco-Friendly AC for just Rs 3,500.It brings down the room temperature by nearly 10°C!In Ali’s tiny shop, the one-can device can maintain a temperature of about 27°C at a time when Trichy was burning at 38°C. 
30 January 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



Stop sending "thank you" emails to slow down global warming
Every email you send consumes electricity and adds a tiny amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Since there are so many of us, and each one sends many emails a day, our combined email carbon footprint is enormous. The easiest way to trim it is to stop sending useless emails, such as 'thank' messages. Here's what a British survey found:1 email=1g of CO264 million Britons won't mind not receiving 70% unnecessary emails sent daily in the UK16,433 tonnes  emissions would be cut cut if each Briton sends 1 less email a dayThat's equivalent to cancelling 81,152 London-Madrid flights,or 88,270 Delhi-Mumbai flights
26 January 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



Passion and Optimism
"Optimism enlivens and impassions while pessimism paralyses."
21 January 2020 by Victor Perton



Optimism, Spirituality and Religion
There is a strong connection between religious faith, belief and optimism.  The Dalai Lama for instance is a promot
20 January 2020 by Victor Perton



"Optimism is the evidence for the dreams yet to be realised.”
Professor Jee Hyun Kim, The Florey Institute"Optimism is the evidence for the dreams yet to be realised.”https://www.centre
20 January 2020 by Victor Perton



Centre for Optimism Partnership with IdeaSpies
Optimism is very powerful: The zeitgeist is pessimistic and cynical.   The times call for realistic and infectiously opt
20 January 2020 by Victor Perton