To aid his ailing wife a 58 year old Trichy mechanic built an Eco-Friendly AC for just Rs 3,500.It brings down the room temperature by nearly 10°C!In Ali’s tiny shop, the one-can device can maintain a temperature of about 27°C at a time when Trichy was burning at 38°C.
Every email you send consumes electricity and adds a tiny amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Since there are so many of us, and each one sends many emails a day, our combined email carbon footprint is enormous. The easiest way to trim it is to stop sending useless emails, such as 'thank' messages. Here's what a British survey found:1 email=1g of CO264 million Britons won't mind not receiving 70% unnecessary emails sent daily in the UK16,433 tonnes emissions would be cut cut if each Briton sends 1 less email a dayThat's equivalent to cancelling 81,152 London-Madrid flights,or 88,270 Delhi-Mumbai flights