Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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IdeaSpies meets Centre for Optimism: Join the Webinar
3 March at 7pm, Join the webcast as Idea Spies Lynn Wood and Glenn Barnes talk to Victor Perton and Robert Masters
6 February 2020 by Victor Perton



CloudFisher: Converting Fog Into Drinking Water
CloudFisher was created by Aqualonis, it could allow people living in coastal or mountainous areas to convert fog into safe drinking water. This water can also be used to irrigate crops or forestry efforts.It's made from a 3D mesh that can withstand high wind speeds, while still retaining water. It comes in a variety of sizes, to suit individual needs or the needs of entire villages.
6 February 2020 by Prof.(Dr.) Sa...



Sending airships to the stratosphere
SCEYE  is opening up access to the stratosphere using helium filled airships. The stratosphere offers all the benefits of space orbit flight, yet is close enough to carry large payloads of off the shelf equipment, at an altitude of 20km (65,000 ft).The possibilities are endless...There are numerous humanitarian applications, like providing last-mile connectivity and monitoring human trafficking, illegal fishing, and real-time climate emissions.What would you do??
4 February 2020 by Jenny Morawsk...



Are you a Rat? If yes, you should be an intelligent optimist!
Promoting its new commorative coin, The Royal Mint said "If you were born in the Year of the Rat, you are in good company. Wi
2 February 2020 by Victor Perton


1 February 2020 by Victor Perton



Can you avoid heart attacks by being Optimistic? Mt Sinai Doctors say yes!
Icilma Fergus, MD, Director of Cardiovascular Disparities for the Mount Sinai Health System said, “It is absolutely critical for everyone to take steps to de-stress and protect your heart health. During stressful times, I advise my patients to stop and take a few minutes to breathe. Relaxation is key, and it is important to set aside time for yourself to decompress.  I also advise patients to keep a positive attitude and remain optimistic.  These simple steps go a long way.”Read more
31 January 2020 by Victor Perton