Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Sharing connections through science
Science is all about working together to solve problems. This is a really difficult concept for students to learn when they are le
29 April 2020 by Michael from...



Cooking brings people together and is good for the soul!
Inspired by the isolation of our current situation, CultivAte was born to provide a forum for people to connect and cook. Providing 1-hour live, virtual cooking classes for small groups, you can create your evening meal and enjoy the 'virtual' company of friends in the process. For more information visit @culitvatecook on Facebook or @cultivate_cook on Instagram.
29 April 2020 by Lisa Butler



Sharing books in a street library
On long walks in different neighborhoods to keep up the exercise during the #Covid19 shutdown it’s been heartening to see many street libraries. 
26 April 2020 by Narelle Hoope...



Clear skies over Sydney
Sydney's air hasn't been this clean since the end of 2017 with the coronavirus contributing to the drop in air pollution.March lev
23 April 2020 by IdeaSpies



An Extrovert's Perspective on Communication
Internal communication has changed rapidly with businesses seeking to reassure and motivate their employees.It is vital to co
21 April 2020 by Madeline Cunn...



Who Are You Calling Old?
Not all 70 year olds feel like they are 70!The 'Stay At Home' message initially failed because they feel fit, healthy and act
21 April 2020 by Madeline Cunn...