Born This Way Foundation hosts #BeKind21 annually, which calls on participants to practice an act of kindness each day from September 1st to September 21st with the mission of building kinder, more connected communities that foster mental wellness. Individuals are invited to take the pledge and share their experiences on social media using the hashtag #BeKind21....
Imagine if environmental information was published alongside the quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) figure.Every three months, we would be told that economic growth increased by 0.6 per cent in the last quarter, say, and by 5.9 per cent through the year.But it would also explain we lost another 1,300 koalas last quarter, another 750 hectares of our native forests were logged, and our ocean fish stocks shrank by another 0.5 percentage points. By making the relationship between economic growth and the environment transparent, it might change the national conversation.
This community plant exchange is a great way of sharing nature’s gifts- take a plant, leave a plant, or pay a couple of dollars. Spotted on Pinnacle Road near Orange, Central Western NSW.
If I’m going to take advice from anyone, it’s going to be from gold medallist and inclusion advocate, Matt Levy (OAM). I originally purchased his book for my daughter but have found it useful for my own future planning! The framework is constructive, illustrations engaging, and the tone supportive. While the book is promoted as a children’s book, Matt’s innovative approach can really be for anyone who has a dream. Matt summed it up when I asked about the purpose of Brandon Dreams Big: "It gives practical tips to overcome obstacles and challenges. We all need this."