Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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The 5 C's of an innovative environment
The 5 C's of an innovative environment
13 October 2018 by greg-hyde



ReCircle Recycling: The world?s first 100% closed-loop domestic recycling appliance
Less than 9% of what we recycle actually gets turned back into its original product. Instead, most of our recycling goes to landfill or is used to produce low-grade products, such as road base or carpet lining. The ReCircle appliance will keep plastics, glass and metals separate so that it can wash, process and compact them ? producing valuable, 100% pure closed-loop recycled products ready for manufacturers to purchase and use again in new products. This means less virgin material is required to produce the billions of containers we use every day. Read all about it at
10 October 2018 by recircle-recy...



An event that brings ideas to life!
Do you have an idea for your own start-up? Or an idea that can help in a crisis, such as as helping farmers in the recent strawberry crisis? Or do you like brainstorming ideas with others and creating solutions? Then come to our action packed Spark Festival event where you will be able to create and share ideas with like-minded people. You could win 2 tickets to StartCon- Australia's largest startup and growth conference.
9 October 2018 by lynnwood



A better application process
Harver is a pre-employment assessment platform, designed to make excellent hiring achievable for companies of all sizes. Harver?s AI?matching technology pairs job and candidate profiles and provides you with the data necessary to make better hiring decisions. It also improves the process for applicants so they apply in a fun way! You show them your brand, culture and the job through videos, interactive situational judgment games and more.
7 October 2018 by emma



A special offer for Idea Spies!
StartCon, the largest startup & growth conference in Australia, is in Sydney again on Nov. 30 & Dec. 1. As part of our community, we?ve secured 20% off Early Bird tickets especially for you! As an added bonus the first 50 people to use our code will be entered into a draw for a VIP ticket. Use this code: before 19 October IDEASPIES20
30 September 2018 by lynnwood



A light, foldable boat
Inflatable boats are fun, but they can take a long time to blow full of air, and the affordable, lighter ones sometimes leak and tear, and they are difficult to repair. Backpack Barge is a lightweight pack box-boat that is small enough to bring with you, even under your seat on a plane or public transportation, on an adventure trip.
28 September 2018 by IdeaSpies