Smart cities never sleep
Proptech is a key enabler of smart buildings that can power the 24/7 economy and smart cities.For both work and leisure activities, it's possible to offer access outside the traditional 9-5 with the help of remote access solutions. Sensors, robots, drones, mobile phones and biometrics can provide access for the right people at the right time and also monitor for safety and security.With technology, this can be done efficiently without onsite staff.At the moment, however, traditional zoning regulations can present a barrier.Maybe it's time for new thinking? Proptech is smart, sustainable and digital. And that's valuable.
Abodely helps you discover, showcase or curate your dream home
Abodely is a new proptech creating a social community for houseproud home owners to connect, network and be inspired.If you are renovating, you can use the app to journal your home's transformation and seek advice from others who've "been there, done that."You can get an honest social appraisal from the community as to your home's aesthetic, potential and value.And if you're house hunting, it's the perfect opportunity to get a sneak peak inside!The MVP is available from the app stores.Founder Tom Coe (pictured) is on a mission to improve social media UX re residential property.
Transparent solar panels could replace glass windows
Transparent solar glass contains nanoparticles to concentrate light energy and generate electricity.It is cutting-edge photovoltaic technology that does not require a roof or angle, although lots of sun helps.It could usher in a new era of clean energy generated from windows in our homes, offices and cars ... and even smart phone screens!Solar glass is perfect for integration into architecture, has a high ROI due to energy savings and helps achieve ZEB (Zero Energy Buildings).It also means that farmland and natural habitats can in future be disturbed less by solar farms, wind turbines and marine generators.
Helping place-makers to access social data for human-centred design
The success of our built environment depends on how well it meets the needs of the humans who live, work and play there. For property developers, urban consultants and governments to understand complex and rapidly changing neighbourhoods, Neighbourlytics is a social analytics platform making the human side of neighbourhoods easy to understand, so you know who uses your development and why.The proptech's subscription platform combines rich digital data with advanced analytics, and world leading expertise in 'Urban Life.' Neighbourlytics takes the guesswork out of place-making and reduces risk, with actionable insights for stakeholders to create successful, human-centred cities.