Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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In a crisis there is opportunity
Why let a good crisis go to waste? Instead use it as a catalyst for innovation.Don't play it safe - take action. seize the op
5 May 2020 by Jenny Morawsk...



Hazardous conditions make us more social
The ultimate Paradox! We need to distance and yet Covid19 makes us more social.A team of European neuroscientists and philosophers
28 April 2020 by Jenny Morawsk...



We are all connected - that is our strength
Where to next? "We want to be part of a different story of the future. We want to contribute to redirecting where we are head
22 April 2020 by Jenny Morawsk...



NFPs the way forward in difficult times.
For many NFPs, it will be extremely difficult - if not impossible - to financially withstand the impact of COVID-19 without subs
14 April 2020 by Jenny Morawsk...



5 Websites to help you make (or save) money
Many people need some extra help at the moment.
25 March 2020 by Jenny Morawsk...



Sparking Creativity for Everyone
The Playful Creative Summit 2020 is a FREE virtual summit sharing insights, tips, tools and methods from Play and Creativity experts in a broad array of fields from around the world. Right now, we all need some inspiration and there is plenty to be found with our speakers! Register now for FREE by signing up at
19 March 2020 by David Chislet...