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14 April 2021 by Mary Y



Quantum Computing is Currently one of the Most Sought After Technologies Across the World
Israel is one of the most technologically advanced nations and has much to offer on the quantum computing front. Earlier this year it was announced that Israel is to invest about $60 Million in order to build its first Supercomputer. This project is a part of Israel’s $380 Million national initiative to develop quantum expertise. In order to facilitate this, the Government of Israel has formed the Israel National Quantum Initiative (INQI) - a joint venture between the Council for Higher Education, the Israel Innovation Authority, the Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Finance.
14 April 2021 by Jeremy Ungar



A retail product for the construction industry that offers weekend phone service
I used this waterproofing product on the weekend to seal our outdoor pavers and was impressed that I could easily speak with someone who could answer my questions about using the product properly. Their freecall number is answered 7 days AEST 9-5pm. Top marks for customer service.
12 April 2021 by IdeaSpies



Industrial Change Towards 2121
Industry 4.0, a term that describes the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, promises to enhance the stability and performance of industrial operations. Using technologies such as IoT, imaging, and sensors, businesses will be able to capture and process data from industrial assets, generating previously unavailable insights on how the machines are utilized. Israel, as an innovative ecosystem with strong ties and deep understanding of technological gaps in this space, has become a major IIoT player. In fact, Israel ranks third in industry 4.0 venture investments and second in early-stage investments according to Israel21c. Review Israeli Companies:
8 April 2021 by Jeremy Ungar



Road to Nuclear
More than 60 percent of electricity in the USA is still generated with fossil fuels, especially coal-fired and gas-fired power plants that have the ability to quickly ramp up or ramp down power to follow loads on the electric grid. Most experts agree that even with a radical advancement in energy storage technology, relying exclusively on wind and solar to replace fossil fuels won’t be enough to maintain a stable electric grid and avoid the major impacts of climate change. To complete the transition to a carbon-free energy future, one key piece of the puzzle remains: nuclear power.See
5 April 2021 by Michael Sharp...



Research & Development Value
AMGC is excited to introduce our 7 steps across the manufacturing value chain webinar series. Join us, Dr Jacqui McRae from ARCGrapheneHub & Neil M. Armstrong from First Graphene, as we discuss step 1: The value of R&D. Register here:
5 April 2021 by Michael Sharp...