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Immunotherapy to cure cancer
A friend was diagnosed with cancer this year and advised he had 3 months to live. He was given the option of immunotherapy at the Kinghorn Cancer Centre in Sydney and, though it had risks, took the option and his cancer has now gone. This exciting new approach to cancer treatment involves creating drugs that target cells of the immune system, not the cancer. Basically, the immune system is strengthened to protect against, or attack a specific tumour type.
14 April 2018 by lynnwood



An autism school program making a difference
Marangaroo Primary School is one of five public schools in Western Australia hosting a new program for students with autism. Under the program students receive intensive instructions in their own classes, while given every opportunity to integrate with mainstream students. The ultimate aim is for them to transition into mainstream classes.The programs follow the WA curriculum and target age-appropriate academic skills while addressing the many challenges associated with autism including socialisation, emotional regulation, limited interests and repetitive behaviours. Eligible students require an ASD diagnosis, without accompanying intellectual disability, and need to be independent in terms of toileting and dressing.
13 April 2018 by emma



Nanoneedles to detect cancer
CSIRO scientists are investigating whether wearable nanoneedles could be used to analyse interstitial fluid, which is the fluid around your cells. In that fluid they?re working to detect cancer biomarkers, like tumour DNA and other intercellular signatures, through your skin ? but without causing any pain. If it?s found to be do-able, this could potentially give them the ability to detect cancers much earlier and increase treatment success, in a much less invasive way.
7 April 2018 by oliver


4 April 2018 by massey



A silver-based compound that could stop cancer from spreading
New research indicates that a silver- based compound is able to tackle the energy centre (the mitochondria) of cancer cells, preventing them from growing and spreading. The compound still needs to go to extensive clinical trials before it can become available as a chemotherapeutic agent. However the findings pave the way for a new chemotherapeutic drug that could be more effective and less toxic, with fewer side effects.
30 March 2018 by emma



A drug that can mimic the benefits of exercise
Not everyone can exercise. People with muscle-wasting diseases and movement disorders, the frail, the very obese and post-surgical patients are among those who face a significant challenge when it comes to exercise. This can be frustrating, considering the well-established benefits of exercise. A pill may be on the way to stimulate the body into producing some of the same effects as exercise -a drug that can help us game the system that is naturally activated during exercise.?
13 March 2018 by IdeaSpies