Gut health and the gut microbiome (community of bacteria in the gut) are a popular topic in media, lifestyle outlets, research and healthcare arenas. Brisbane-based Microba – world leaders in gut microbiome testing – are providing a free mini course to everyday Australians to boost their knowledge of their resident gut bacteria, what it’s doing, the potential to perform important tasks and the best ways to keep a balanced gut.
A group of researchers at the eating disorders unit at Bellvitge University hospital in Barcelona has developed a video game with built-in biofeedback that rewards emotional control in relation to anorexia. On a virtual tropical island, gamers enjoy sun and sand before experiencing stormy storms. The application is connected via Bluetooth to a single sensor that transmits heart rate and heart rate variability data heart rate from participants to the device.
If participants are able to regulate their reactions and remain calm, their cardiac response is recorded by the sensor that rewards them, dispelling the storm. If they cannot regulate their emotions, the storm intensifies.
Coviu brings easy digital consultations to rural and regional Australians. The cloud-based healthcare tool makes visiting your doctor possible online. It's a video consultation platform that removes the need for you to be physically present at consultations.
There are features like interactive whiteboards and the ability to share images, files and x-rays. As a result, clinicians can easily explain diagnoses and procedures. Coviu is a spinout of CSIRO's Data61, and one of the first companies to receive investment from the Innovation Fund managed by Main Sequence Ventures.
In a world-first, a man in the US received a replacement heart valve made from a special biomedical polymer developed by CSIRO researchers. Biomedical polymers are special because they must seamlessly integrate into the complex systems of the human body. The polymer material and the design of this valve mimics a natural human valve. The polymer is robust enough to sustain the constant vigorous pulsing required of a healthy aortic valve. And it’s capable of lasting decades without calcification, risk of clotting or damage to red blood cells.