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Funding care for the vulnerable
It is encouraging that the Albanese government has opened a conversation over how we fund the ballooning care costs and support for vulnerable citizens.   It is concerning that the initiative is via a discussion paper and, no doubt, a plan to control the discussion and guide it to an outcome that fits the Labor agenda.   It’s time that all politicians realised they do not have sufficient trust to force their biased agendas upon the public after a sham consultation lacking detail, facts and analysis.   It is time that Citizens' Juries were used to resolve such complex and important matters!
29 May 2023 by Glenn Barnes



An opportunity to help families get ahead!
Indexing tax scales is the morally correct thing for our government to do. It is unconscionable conduct not to do so.   If a company used such a stealth-like mechanism as tax “bracket creep” to increase prices, there would be public outrage and a call for action by the government.   A report in Today’s Australian by Patrick Commins that: “Australians are paying an average 30 per cent more income tax per person than a decade ago, even after accounting for inflation” exemplifies the pernicious impact of tax bracket creep.   Personal tax scales must be inflation indexed!
16 May 2023 by Glenn Barnes



Bring the community into the economic dialogue.
Australians are lucky to have one of the world’s best-functioning liberal democracies.   However, our government processes have lost efficacy, being too focused on political power instead of helping the community understand complex issues and committing themselves to “common-good” solutions that often have both “givers” and “recipients”.   A classic challenge is the expectation of some in the community for more government services than revenues can sustain and rising individual spending power without increased taxes and productivity improvements. Our governments are not courageous or trusted enough to resolve such dilemmas.   A community-wide dialogue is required, using trustworthy and transparent processes.
15 May 2023 by Glenn Barnes



It’s time for a Royal Commission on Housing
Our politicians fail to effectively address the growing problem of delivering affordable and appropriately located housing for the community.   The initial discussion focused on how to help young families commence home ownership. Focus is growing on affordable properties (either to purchase or rent) for low-income earners, people on social benefits and front-line service providers who should live near their work.   Given that all three levels of government impact the housing supply and that our constitution does not provide a mechanism to bring about a harmonised approach to the issue, a Royal Commission seems the best option for breaking the inertia.
13 May 2023 by Glenn Barnes



Effective foreign policy ensures options to act
Allan Gyngell AO, lauded as one of Australia’s leading foreign and strategic policy thinkers, has died after a short battle with cancer...."As Allan tells us, foreign policy is the way the state manages its relationships with other actors in the international system to preserve its national security and prosperity, protect its interests, and advance its values at minimum cost in treasure and blood. Effective foreign policy ensures that no matter how international developments unfold, we will always have options to act."....DARREN LIM IN THE WORLD PODCAST  
7 May 2023 by Maria MacNama...



More effective media control
"Examples from Ireland and Finland spring to mind.In Finland, the country’s major news outlets and the journalists union ha
29 April 2023 by IdeaSpies