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Giant wind turbines that can power cities
The giant whirling machine in the Netherlands is a test model for a new series of giant offshore wind turbines planned by General
3 January 2021 by IdeaSpies



A solar powered "water battery"
An award-winning Australian solar-powered “water battery” has been lauded as a success with the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) revealing the system generated more than 3 GWh of electricity in its first 12 months of operation. The thermal energy storage tank, located at USC’s main campus on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, is powered by a 2.1 MW solar PV system which produces enough energy to cool 4.5 megalitres of water, effectively acting as an 8 MW battery. The cooled water is stored and used for air conditioning, which is currently the single biggest user of electricity at the campus.
2 January 2021 by IdeaSpies



Energy Smart Farming Community of Practice
Farming is energy intensive and gas, diesel & electricity are not cheap or necessarily emission friendly. But the farming community abounds with innovative approaches to improve energy productivity, reduce costs and emissions. So the establishment of a new Community of Practice, called Energy Smart Farming, provides a way for farmers, service providers, advisors, researchers & community advocates to share energy knowledge, research & solutions.
19 December 2020 by Kylie Hargrea...



Flying high on hydrogen
ZeroAvia is a developer of zero-emission powertrain for commercial air travel.  In September they made their first test flight in Cranfield in the UK using a 6-seater hydrogen-fueled aircraft for taxiing, taking off, circling and landing.  ZeroAvia’s first commercial product will be the powertrain for 20-seater planes and aims to demonstrate that it can fly a plane over 800km with as many as 20 seats by 2023. They want to scale up to 1,600km with over 100 seats by 2030.   Aviation is a challenging industry to decarbonise and will increasingly contribute to unwanted carbon emissions.
16 December 2020 by Karinya



Shower Power - harnessing the heat in your wastewater
Think about the warm water in your shower, dishwasher, washing machine and more. All that heat is wasted as it goes down your drain. It is even worse in hotels or industrial applications like dairies, food manufacturing and breweries. So why not intercept the warm/hot water as it exits the building and before it goes into the sewers? Via a holding tank with a heat pump, you can then extract the heat and re-direct it to where it is needed rather than wasting it - saving money and GHGs . 
6 December 2020 by Kylie Hargrea...



Pay-per-use approaches to air conditioning and more
In your office you may have a photocopier which is leased on a pay-per-use basis. The same approach is being applied in the c
22 November 2020 by Kylie Hargrea...