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MoorPower Please
Vessels moored off-shore typically rely on diesel for fuel. For vessels like feeding barges, used in aquaculture, frequent re-fuelling also risks spills and other disruptions to their operations. But what if you could harness the energy from the waves for an endless, reliable, clean source of energy by using a submerged buoy to convert the motion into electricity energy? Over the next two year Carnegie Clean Energy will test its adapted CATO system for just these sorts of applications. If successful, decarbonising offshore aquaculture would be just the beginning.
24 October 2021 by Kylie Hargrea...



A cheaper, longer lasting non-electric battery?
Phase Change Materials (PCM) are substances which absorb or release heat when they go through a change in their physical state, eg. water changing from ice to liquid. You can tap this energy. PCM batteries can operate just like an electric battery, but can be 2 - 3 times cheaper. A South Australian company is developing PCM battery versatility even further by partnering the battery with heat pumps, renewable energy to power the battery processes, advanced weather and system usage forecasting, as well as energy pricing data to maximise energy efficiency and financial return.
19 October 2021 by Kylie Hargrea...


16 October 2021 by Kylie Hargrea...



Double the Turbine, Double the Fun
One of the common ways to capture wave energy, is via a point-absorber which harvests energy from the up and down movement of waves. Australia's RMIT has designed a point-absorber with a novel counter-rotating dual turbine. The design can apparently deliver twice the efficiency of other currently available point-absorber wave technologies.
27 September 2021 by Kylie Hargrea...



The Future of Storage Energy
One solution to power outages is the notion of power storage, instead of real time usage. The notion of energy storage can either be at utility scale, which includes all energy storages at the side of the utility provider, or energy storage can include behind the meter storage, which is all measures taken by households and industry to store energy or ultimately remote power systems which are supplied to remote areas that are not typically connected to the grid. Israeli companies are the leaders in innovation concerning energy storage, with expertise in hydrogen as well as mobile energy units.
23 September 2021 by Jeremy Ungar



Making electrolysis cheaper and faster
Electrolysis is the process of using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Currently, precious metals tend to provide the catalytic materials needed for the process. These metals are scarce & expensive. But researchers in Australia have identified a new option, made of cheaper more readily available minerals, which also reacts more quickly.
20 September 2021 by Kylie Hargrea...