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Zero Emission Aircraft
Airbus has three hydrogen-powered concepts for 'zero emission' commercial aircraft on the drawing board, two of which are likely to be flying by 2035. The European airplane maker has previously said hydrogen “holds exceptional promise as a clean aviation fuel and is likely to be a solution for aerospace and many other industries to meet their climate-neutral targets.” The ZEROe turboprop is capable of carrying up to 100 passengers around 1,000nm, making it best suited to short-range trips. The ZEROe ‘turbofan’ boosts passenger capacity to the 120-200 bracket while extending range to in excess of 2,000nm: sufficient for a transcontinental jaunt between Australia's east and west coasts.
1 December 2022 by IdeaSpies



Rooftop wind, not solar?
Small scale wind isn't very popular for residential applications. But a new turbine which mimics the natural spiral design of a nautilus shell might soon provide an alternative to solar. It claims to be quieter but also very efficient, such that one turbine can produce 1,500kwh/annum. In Sydney, an average household (2.4 persons) consumes about 5,200kwh/annum.
30 November 2022 by Kylie Hargrea...


18 November 2022 by IdeaSpies



IdeaSpies Community New Topic Series I The Role of Hydrogen in Decarbonising our Economy
Please join our IdeaSpies Community for a vibrant online discussion of the role of hydrogen in decarbonising o
17 October 2022 by IdeaSpies



Can my diesel engine run on hydrogen too?
Thanks to researchers at the UNSW Engine Research Laboratory, it seems a dual-fuel diesel-hydrogen engine is possible.At the moment, if you want to convert your diesel fleet to hydrogen, you need to swap out the entire engine with a hydrogen fuel cell option.Do-able, but more expensive than keeping the original diesel injection engine but adding a hydrogen fuel injection unit. With stratification the blend produces less nitrogen-oxide emissions than normal diesel, about 85% less carbon and operates at about 26% greater efficiency.
17 October 2022 by Kylie Hargrea...



NASA advances E-Aviation
Solid state batteries don't over-heat or catch on fire, they operate even when damaged & tolerate a range of temperatures.Importantly for e-aviation, they can be stacked on top of each other without casings, making them lighter than lithium-ion alternatives.Unfortunately, they discharge their power slowly. That is not ideal if you need to rapidly increase power consumption, such as when applying thrust.But NASA researchers have managed to increase their solid-state battery’s discharge rate by a factor of 10 – and then by another factor of 5 - in the last year.
16 October 2022 by Kylie Hargrea...