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Jobhunting during COVID-19 - Some tips and tricks
While targeted mostly at PHD students entering the workforce, there is plenty on the site to help others as well. From a 30 minute
27 April 2020 by Kylie Hargrea...



Victorian Govt $16.8M Arts Survival Package
With the creative industries among those hardest hit by COVID-19 shutdowns, the Victorian Government is stepping in to help both i
27 April 2020 by Madeline Cunn...



A contact tracing app to help keep Australians safe
A coronavirus tracing app, called COVIDSafe, has been released in Australia to contain the spread of the deadly pandemic. The app is considered to be essential for Australia to be able to ease coronavirus-induced restrictions.  After you download the app you will be notified if you have had close contact with another user who tests positive for COVID19. The app has two stages of consent that you would need to agree to: initially when you download the app so data can be collected, and secondly to release that data on your phone to health officials if you are diagnosed with the virus. Australia's Chief Medical Officer, Chief Nurse and the heads of the doctors' and nurses' unions said they will download the app and encourage you to do the same. You can download the app at:
26 April 2020 by IdeaSpies



Creating a Trans Tasman Travel Bubble
If both Australia and New Zealand maintain our current, apparent success in containing the spread of COVID-19, the opportunity to open up trans-Tasman travel could be a major boost that would help save thousands of tourism and hospitality businesses, and tens of thousands of jobs.
26 April 2020 by IdeaSpies



An open source platform to help people help people
The COVID-19 crisis has revealed the extreme social inequality and poverty in developing countries. In the Sou
26 April 2020 by Ivani Torales


23 April 2020 by IdeaSpies