Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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A clever and simple activity
Two little girls Ally and Georgia painted small rocks and hid them on my street. Then sent out an email to neighbours “You have been invited to do something you've never done before. We have hidden rocks around the street for you to find. The symbol on the rock is a special symbol”. This was fun for neighbours who had been working from home. It was a chance to walk outside with a new purpose. Little ideas like this that connect community are very special and require creative thinking not lots of other resources to be effective.
27 April 2020 by Gillian Corba...



Jungle scenes created in Plasticine
British artist Henry Hudson invites us into his East London studio to view his inaugural New York S|2 exhibition, Sun City Tanning
21 April 2020 by Gillian Corba...


15 April 2020 by Gillian Corba...



Inspiration to share
Joel Davison -The Wounded Brave ~ poem is written partially in Gadigal with interpretations by Joel Davison Bayawurra
6 April 2020 by Gillian Corba...


Art in the Midst of Crisis
Art displayed in a city in the midst of crisis.  This piece displayed at The National Arts Club in Manhattan foretold the challenges we were to face.  Out of danger inspiration can come.
6 April 2020 by Sabra Brock



Something to lift the Spirit
Seen at Aboriginal Contemporary in Bronte “Warrakan” Fibre sculptures by Tony Cameron from the East Arnhem community of Gapuwiyak. Special grasses are harvested and made with skills passed down through the generations. The whole community participates in this creative activity. The whole community participates in this creative activity.
31 March 2020 by Gillian Corba...