Donate to help publish over 5,000 new Australian poems in 2023. They will be made available through their free digital library. For two decades Red Room has developed and amplified the voices of contemporary Australian poets, publishing over 32,000 poems, launching the careers of thousands of writers, and developing Australia’s largest digital library of contemporary poetry. They focus on uplifting First Nations, young, emerging and marginalised voices, and making positive change through our many poetic projects. Donations received by 31 May will be matched by Creative Partnerships Australia. Donate here
Sydney-based artist Julia Gutman is a first-time Archibald Prize finalist and one of the youngest winners in the history of the prize.
Gutman is a multi-disciplinary artist who reuses found textiles to produce painted ‘patchworks’ that merge personal and collective histories to explore themes of femininity, intimacy and memory.
Her winning portrait features singer-songwriter Montaigne, who has become an important figure on the Australian indie music scene.
'I’m so grateful to be working at a time when young female voices are heard,’ says Gutman.
Established in Australia by Danielle Chiel in partnership with women from rural villages in Tamil Nadu southern India. What began as a solution to produce hand-knitted garments offshore is now a sisterhood of artisans and a business entwined with the United Nations’ Global Goals for Sustainable Development. They have scaled to produce commercial quantities of garments, all entirely hand knitted.
- no machine intervention, no waste and no carbon footprint to make for international designer brands. Experience a fashion show like no other at Paddington Town Hall, Thursday May 25th, 6:30pm Tickets: $49, Knits, & bubbles.