Bionic eyes have been a pillar of science fiction for quite a long time, however now true exploration is starting to find far-located narrators. A pile of innovations is coming that reestablish sight to individuals with various types of vision debilitation.Specialists at Monash University in Australia are chipping away at trials for a framework whereby clients wear a couple of glasses fitted with a camera. This sends information straight to the embed, which sits on the outside of the cerebrum and gives the client a simple feeling of sight.Source:
NASA is hosting “Taking Flight: How Girls Can Grow Up to Be Engineers” seriesYou can meet women working on @NASA missions on Mars and beyond. They’ll answer questions and give you tips on getting your ideas off the ground.
Apr. 29, 1pm PT/4pm ET/2000 GMT
The cameras embedded in our smartphones have become so good, many of those too young to remember anything different would scoff at the idea of carting around a separate camera.At Scope Photonics in Ontario, Canada, they want to create lossless zoom for all kinds of images, which means any photo enjoying a close-up will remain consistently sharp.
The Australian Government’s vision is for a safe, secure and prosperous Australia, Indo-Pacific and world enabled by cyberspace and critical technology. An International Cyber and Critical Technology Engagement Strategy has been prepared that sets out Australia’s interests and goals in pursuit of this. This provides a framework to guide Australia’s whole-of-Government international engagement across the spectrum of cyber and critical technology issues. MORE >
"The Future of Jobs in the Era of AI" describes the impact of #automation in a #postcovidworld in USA, Germany and Australia. It is the result of a long process of deep collaboration with between Faethm and BCG. This report is 3 things:1. A detailed analysis for 3 countries across multiple scenarios2. The tip of the iceberg in what BCG and Faethm can do3. A call to action for #skillsdevelopment everywhereMORE >