OK, most of us have seen something like this before - but what made me really wag my tail about this one is that it is multi-functional, serving as a bubbler, bottle refill station and dog bowl at the base; has a simple, robust construction; and it is *wheelchair accessible* http://www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/yourcouncil/mediareleases/counciltotrialwaterrefillstations
Australian and New Zealand Paired Kidney Exchange Is going gang busters at increasing the number of kidneys donated / transplant patients into people that need them. Last year was a record year with 1/5 of all living kidney donors came from this program. The program allows friends and family who want to donate a kidney to a loved one but aren't a good medical match, to be paired with others in the same situation. The exchange also accepts donations from altruistic donors.Here is a program doing real good for those with kidney disease requiring a transplant.https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-27/australia-kidney-disease-donor-transplant/103488392?
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