'Thank you beep' for friendlier driving
Dear Car Manufacturers,
Every vehicle has a horn - usually used to express anger, frustration or as an alert of danger. Sometimes these have a purpose. But the car horn as it currently exists does not do a good job of saying ?thank you?. Please invent an additional car horn that allows you to say thanks. A friendlier, more pleasant sound - to be used when someone lets you in, gives way to you, backs up for you or lets you have a car space you?re both after. At night, it?s hard to see whether someone gives you a wave of thanks, but a ?thank you? beep would do the job. It can also be a goodnight beep for when you?re leaving a friend?s place. Something that doesn?t annoy the neighbours. Let there be lots of thank you beeps and less angry beeps on our roads!