Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Organs on chips to replace animal testing
Emulate uses organs-on-chips to accurately test drugs on individual, human organs. In the future, these could be your cells on a chip, tested with treatment after treatment until the right one sticks, offering personalised medicine tailored exactly to your genetic makeup. The micro-devices work by recreating the tissue interfaces of human organs inside a transparent polymer ?chip?, so the behaviours of bacteria, drugs and human white blood cells can be easily monitored through a microscope.
7 July 2018 by oliver



Order a tailored shirt online
While many people order clothes online, this is based on a process of trial and error where you try different sizes and return the unwanted ones. Original Stitch has solved this problem for shirts. Their solution, called ?Bodygram?, involves you selecting from different styles then taking 2 photos of yourself, one front on and one side on. Bodygram then uses AI, computer vision and machine learning to develop an analysis of your required shirt sizing with almost (99%) accuracy.
7 July 2018 by oliver



A breathalyzer for disease
Owlstone Medical has developed a breathalyzer for disease. With a focus on non-invasive diagnostics for cancer, inflammatory and infectious diseases, the company aims to save thousands of lives and millions in healthcare costs.
30 June 2018 by oliver



An automated warehouse of the future
Imagine a huge warehouse with groceries going in one end and shopping orders coming out the other. Humans do the unpacking and packing, while in the middle, robots sort and rearrange this vast inventory 24 hours a day. This is the latest highly automated warehouse of Ocado, a British online-only supermarket that also sells its technology to other global grocers. This algorithmically designed warehouse maximizes available space while digitizing some of the more arduous, complex and dull aspects of warehouse work. And by licensing and selling its automation technology to other companies, Ocado monetises the research and development needed to consistently disrupt itself. ?
12 May 2018 by oliver



First human-free bank branch
The China Construction Bank, China's second-largest bank, has opened a branch in Shanghai run entirely by technology. A humanoid robot answers customers' questions and directs traffic, and human client relationship managers remotely interact with customers via videoconference. Customers can pay to engage in small interactive augmented reality games to make the experience more of an occasion rather than just a branch visit. A virtual reality machine is also available to showcase CCB?s latest home rental offerings. This virtual reality, artificial intelligence and facial recognition technology is expected to support 90 percent of customer demand.
28 April 2018 by oliver



An in-car delivery service
Amazon has partnered with GM and Volvo on its new In-Car Delivery service for Prime members, which launched this month in 37 U.S. cities. Prime members with eligible GM or Volvo cars simply select In-Car Delivery at checkout. Amazon couriers do not have direct access to the car -- the unlock command is issued through the car's connected systems (i.e. OnStar or Volvo on Call) as part of an authentication process. This service complements the Amazon in-home service launched last year.
28 April 2018 by oliver