Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Drug addiction prevented by vaccination
One of the best defences we have against viral infections is vaccination. Vaccines prime the body's immune system to fight an incoming infection and have been credited with the widespread eradication of smallpox and the near-eradication of polio. There are nine vaccines currently in development that could dramatically change how humans live. They include vaccines for cancer, HIV, malaria and drug addiction.
4 August 2017 by oliver



A medical device that draws energy from your body
Researchers have created a battery-free medical device that can be implanted in your body and charged using your body?s fluids. Despite advances in technology, batteries are still used within medical devices such as pacemakers, which are potentially harmful and need to be replaced throughout your lifetime via surgery.
16 June 2017 by oliver



Election night as a community event
In the UK, all the candidates for a seat gather in community halls wearing coloured ribbons that correspond with their party. They then have to line up on stage while an official reads out their individual results. Prime Minister Theresa May had to be on stage with not just her Labour, Liberal Democrat and Greens challengers, but also with candidates dressed up as Elmo, a Texan Elvis, and a Ned Kelly impersonator, going by the name of Lord Buckethead.
10 June 2017 by oliver



A bike with a built-in bar
A small wooden box is built to fit the exact dimensions of the negative space on a bicycle and then gets filled with everything you need for drinks in the park. There's even a tiny fold-out table. Of course, you could also use this for picnic supplies like fruit, cheese and a baguette should you prefer.
24 May 2017 by oliver



A disability-led theatre company
Raspberry Ripple is a Disability Led theatre company aiming to create compelling theatre of a professional standard using disabled and mainstream performers, writers, directors, designers and technical artists as well as a pathway into the mainstream performing arts for disabled performers.
6 May 2017 by oliver



A vaccine for malaria
The World Health Organization (WHO) is now one step closer to achieving their goal of eliminating malaria by 2040. Last week WHO announced that one of several potential malaria vaccines in development has made it through a crucial phase in trials and is now ready to be field tested.
4 May 2017 by oliver