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Like fine jewellery? Rent it
Following on from the success of the pioneering fashion rental company Rent the Runway, companies including the US-based Flont, Haute Vault and Switch now offer one-off and subscription-based jewellery hire services. And it’s not just costume jewellery up for grabs – semi-precious and fine jewellery from the likes of Cartier, Tiffany and Van Cleef & Arpels is available to rent.
30 October 2019 by ideaspies03



Magnetic wallpaper
Interactive Magnetic Dino Wallpaper has won Etsy’s first-ever global design competition. The hand-drawn dinosaur-decorated wallpaper is lined with magnetic material that grips moveable magnetic characters.
11 October 2019 by ideaspies03



Fresh farm pies
Briermere Farm on Long Island NY offers a wonderful selection of pies made with fresh fruit from the farm. People come long distances to buy the pies. We tried the pear one and it was delicious.
10 October 2019 by ideaspies03



Virtual reality showroom with storage and retrieval
Walmart has applied for patents that envision a virtual showroom and a fulfillment center that would allow you to put on a headset and shop in a digital version of the store. You could browse and interact with merchandise through a 3D simulation that responds to your gestures It includes plans for autonomous robots to fetch and deliver merchandise.
26 August 2018 by ideaspies03


23 August 2018 by ideaspies03



Turning plastic waste into biofuel- a world first
Licella, an Australian startup, has signed a $10m joint venture contract with UK company Renewable Chemical Technologies Limited (which is backed by the UK's leading renewable energy company Armstrong Energy) to build a world-first plant to convert end-of-life plastic destined for landfill. Licella, which is a science-based renewable energy start-up co-founded by Professor Thomas Maschmeyer, developed this unique process in partnership with the University of Sydney to convert low-cost, non-edible, waste biomass into a stable bio-crude oil.
7 September 2017 by ideaspies03