Ocean carbon credits
If we are to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees, CO2 will need to be removed from the atmosphere.The Ocean Nourishment Corporation is working to enhance the natural process of photosynthesis by phytoplankton whereby they draw CO2 from the atmosphere. As more CO2 is drawn down, more carbon will be stored at the bottom of the ocean when the phytoplankton die. A carbon credit can be created for each additional tonne of CO2 stored.If 2.4 billion tonnes can be stored, then, at $50 per tonne, this technique can create a market in excess of $100 billion.
An Edible Coffee Cup
Every day in Australia we throw away 2.7 million takeaway coffee cups. 90% of them go to landfill.Even if you do not eat this cup,
Hope for young people
Jeanette Pritchard is passionate about young people and as a teacher was often dismayed as report after report showed young people