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Sort by: Michael Sharpe



Hybrid Air Conditioning
Seeley International has developed a hybrid ‘Climate Wizard’ platform which integrates its patented ‘Microcore’ heat exchanger technology with heat pump technology. This combination addresses a major industry problem in high-value export and domestic markets. It is also one of the cleanest and most efficient forms of electric-powered heating and fresh air cooling.See
5 September 2021 by Michael Sharp...



Nuclear Power for the Moon
Australian manufacturers could be part of a global supply chain for building nuclear power on the moon. NASA is seeking propo
13 June 2021 by Michael Sharp...



Tree Manager
Tree Manager™ is a proprietary software project management tool that provides customers with real-time access to information reg
25 April 2021 by Michael Sharp...



Nuclear Propulsion to Mars
As NASA’s Perseverance rover homes in on the Red Planet, engineers on the ground are furthering potential propulsion technologies for the first human missions to Mars. NASA is looking at two types of nuclear propulsion systems – nuclear electric and nuclear thermal propulsion.See
17 April 2021 by Michael Sharp...



New Space Opportunities
Space - Get involved with a NSW-based, industry-led space sector proposal for the Commonwealth Government's Modern Manufacturing Initiative. We welcome attendance from industry and researchers who are interested in participating in a collaborative proposal. The workshop will be split into two sessions: 1. A virtual information session on Monday 19 April at 5pm to provide context surrounding the MMI opportunity and NSW Government's role ahead of the workshop. 2. An in-person workshop on Wednesday 21 April at 2pm to explore opportunities for a NSW-based, industry-led space sector MMI proposal. Full details here
16 April 2021 by Michael Sharp...



Road to Nuclear
More than 60 percent of electricity in the USA is still generated with fossil fuels, especially coal-fired and gas-fired power plants that have the ability to quickly ramp up or ramp down power to follow loads on the electric grid. Most experts agree that even with a radical advancement in energy storage technology, relying exclusively on wind and solar to replace fossil fuels won’t be enough to maintain a stable electric grid and avoid the major impacts of climate change. To complete the transition to a carbon-free energy future, one key piece of the puzzle remains: nuclear power.See
5 April 2021 by Michael Sharp...