Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Benefits of Nuclear Manufacturing
There are 6 ways to develop nuclear plants and parts FASTER, CHEAPER, and with GREATER RELIABILITY.Renewable plants are considered
2 June 2022 by Michael Sharp...



Big Deal with Small Modular Reactors
Within the next 10 years, advanced small modular reactors (SMRs) could change the way we think about reliable, clea
2 June 2022 by Michael Sharp...



Surprising ways to go nuclear
Advanced nuclear reactor systems will offer greater flexibility in location, size, and operation to generate both electrical and t
2 June 2022 by Michael Sharp...



Corrosion Protection
Corrosion Instruments (CI) has developed a new proprietary system for the monitoring of cathodic protection (CP) on large buried metallic structures such as pipelines, tanks, tunnels, bridges and wharves and other critical infrastructure valued at billions of dollars.See
25 April 2022 by Michael Sharp...



Solid Rocket Booster
Solid Rocket Propellant is one variety of the fuel that drives rockets skyward. Burning at more than 2,000 degrees Celsius, it is a complex, highly energetic and precise chemical mixture that can be cast in a variety of shapes and sizes. When a special formula containing an oxidiser and a fuel are combined, a highly combustible reaction creates the thrust to launch the fastest and most complex machines ever built.See
25 April 2022 by Michael Sharp...



Full of Hot Air
A food supplement for livestock to reduce digestive-related methane emissions.A world first seaweed farm dedicated to climate solutions by reducing CO2 emissions in the livestock and dairy industries.See
12 April 2022 by Michael Sharp...