“Eight seminal AI papers published in the last eight years by researchers at Google Microsoft Meta Platforms, OpenAI and elsewhere provided blueprints for promising technologies, such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion, which generate humanlike answers or photorealistic images based on a short description, respectively. Tens of millions of people and businesses have used the products based on those papers, and they have upended major tech companies—something the researchers could barely have imagined a few years ago.”...https://bit.ly/3YChnJp
The notOK App® takes the guesswork out of asking for help when you're feeling vulnerable. We'll notify your trusted contacts that they've been selected as your support group, so when the time comes and you need to reach out, you'll just have to open the app and press the large, red notOK® button....https://www.notokapp.com/
Born This Way Foundation hosts #BeKind21 annually, which calls on participants to practice an act of kindness each day from September 1st to September 21st with the mission of building kinder, more connected communities that foster mental wellness. Individuals are invited to take the pledge and share their experiences on social media using the hashtag #BeKind21....https://bornthisway.foundation/current-programs/bekind21/
"The science of nuclear fusion relies on smashing two atoms together at incredibly high speeds and transforming the energy from that reaction into electricity that can power homes and offices without emitting carbon into the air or dumping radioactive waste into the environment."..."The Department of Energy plans to announce Tuesday that scientists have been able for the first time to produce a fusion reaction that creates a net energy gain — a major milestone in the decades-long, multibillion-dollar quest to develop a technology that provides unlimited, cheap, clean power."...MOREhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/12/11/fusion-nuclear-energy-breakthrough/