The Australian Government’s vision is for a safe, secure and prosperous Australia, Indo-Pacific and world enabled by cyberspace and critical technology. An International Cyber and Critical Technology Engagement Strategy has been prepared that sets out Australia’s interests and goals in pursuit of this. This provides a framework to guide Australia’s whole-of-Government international engagement across the spectrum of cyber and critical technology issues. MORE >
"Australia’s electricity grid has always relied on coal-fired power for stability, but with more renewables coming into the mix, that needs to change, finds a new report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)."“The future grid will be as much a digital communication system as it is an energy management system, with electronics and software providing grid security and stability. Planners need to put in place the right framework now so that we can move beyond an inertia-based grid in the future and to avoid significant investment becoming stranded along the way.”REPORT >
"Woolworths Supermarkets has allocated at least $50 million over three years to give more than 60,000 of its 200,000 staff technology-oriented skills...its ‘future of work fund’ would help upskill, reskill and redeploy team members impacted by industry disruption and technological change.The key technical focus areas for training will be in digital, data analytics, machine learning and robotics, with further investment planned for advanced customer service skills, team leadership and agileways of working."MORE >
"Octopus is targeted at techies by techies. Its product would be incomprehensible to those outside its target market of software developers, who use it to automate the deployment of applications. It isn’t glamorous, but it speeds up tech development while making it less likely to go wrong.Typically, an organisation’s software team of testers and developers will work on numerous improvements at once, such as bug fixes and feature enhancements. Octopus makes it easier by removing the very common incidents of human error, while reducing the time that systems have to be taken down for updates."MORE >
There are so many benefits to using cryptocurrency, but very few people understand it. This AXIOS podcast introduces the COO of newly listed Coinbase, Emilie Choi who shares her thoughts about how she thinks about cryptocurrency and its use cases. MORE >
"The Future of Jobs in the Era of AI" describes the impact of #automation in a #postcovidworld in USA, Germany and Australia. It is the result of a long process of deep collaboration with between Faethm and BCG. This report is 3 things:1. A detailed analysis for 3 countries across multiple scenarios2. The tip of the iceberg in what BCG and Faethm can do3. A call to action for #skillsdevelopment everywhereMORE >