Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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A lasting tale of loved ones
Traditional family trees, written biographies and paper records can fail to bring alive the personality, tenor and experiences of family.  Enter Dimity Brassel and her team of professional journalists who interview and capture the unique histories and lives of everyday people. Once curated the audio episodes not only directly capture the individual's history, but they also capture the very sounds, the laughter, indeed the very melody of your loved ones. A lasting, priceless tale.
8 November 2023 by Kylie Hargrea...



A Brownee recipe for sustainability
Many small business owners are over-whelmed by the idea of decarbonisation, climate disclosures, ESG and more. But Brownee aims to demystify sustainability & make it simple for small to medium sized businesses to drive their own sustainability journey - and earn Brownee points. The platform, still in beta production, offers a range of practical actions matched to the user’s needs, allowing them to choose where to focus and when. It also provides help in identifying potential suppliers, track progress and report results. Simple, accessible and designed to inspire, not to overwhelm.
31 October 2023 by Kylie Hargrea...



Vanadium batteries - utility scale, long-lasting back-up power
A vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB), is reportedly very competitive to lithium-ion battery options when looking at grid-scale storage. Why? They are apparently more easily scaled-up, can release charge over a far-more extended period of time (10 - 18 hours) and can reportedly be charged and discharged an unlimited number of times with no capacity degradation - meaning they last decades. Oh - any they also don't catch on fire as easily as lithium-ion batteries either.'We%20Were%2020%20Years%20Too%20Early'<
29 October 2023 by Kylie Hargrea...



Lotus-effect keeping your paint pristine
A German company has used biomimicry of a lotus leaf to produce an exterior paint which essentially repels water. This means
22 October 2023 by Kylie Hargrea...



Coffee Beans & Concrete Please
Concrete mixes can contain up to 80% sand. But engineers in Australia have found a way to substitute used coffee grounds for a significant proportion of sand requirements, delivering a concrete that is not only more sustainable, but also 30% stronger than typical concrete.
14 October 2023 by Kylie Hargrea...



100% recycled plastic T-top bollards
T-top bollards are lightweight, versatile, highly visible and, thanks to their t-top, quite stable in windy environments. They are used to direct road or pedestrian traffic and to mark out unsafe work areas. The OC Eco T-Top Bollard is Australian-made and made from 100% recycled material (old bollards and locally sourced waste plastics)
14 October 2023 by Kylie Hargrea...